
Saturday, August 11, 2012

The Calorie King Diet

I've been dieting off and on since high school. I know you're not supposed to "diet," you're supposed to make lifestyle changes. Well, I need to diet to lose all the weight I'm supposed to and then I need to find a way to maintain. I've done Weight Watchers multiple times. I've only gone to the meetings once. I was well on my way to becoming a lifetime member for reaching my goal, but then I got married and moved 900 miles away and became really, really poor.

About a year and a half ago I did Weight Watchers online. I did really well, and even went down a pants size. But, I gained a ton of weight last year because of stress and laziness.

I'm sick of being fat. I'm starting to get to the point where it's getting hard to move as easily as I once did. Plus, now that I'm 25 I'm thinking about how healthy I'll be when I'm 85. If I continue down this path of misery, I won't reach 85.

More than anything else, I need to change my thoughts about food. I love food. I love the taste and texture and satisfied feeling I get when food travels through my mouth and into my stomach. I loathe thinking about calories and portion sizes. I hate the feeling of being out of breath during a workout. I hate how nasty I look when I exercise. I hate the smell of rubber tracks and gym floors.

I somehow need to reverse my thinking. I need to eat to fuel my body. I need to learn to love the feeling after a successful workout. I need to get comfortable with how I look while working out. I certainly look nastier in ill-fitting clothes and bathing suits.

I need to change!

My dad and brother are using a book called The Calorie King Calorie, Fat, & Carbohydrate Counter by Allan Borushek. It has a listing of almost every food you can think of and the calories, fats, and carbs. It includes most restaurants as well. For non-active women it recommends 1000-1200 calories per day in order to lose weight. So, I'm shooting for 1200 calories per day. I'm keeping track of the food I eat in a food journal. I'm calculating the calories throughout the day to make sure I'm staying on track.

So far, I think I like this better than Weight Watchers. I feel I can be more accurate since many recipes nowadays include nutrition info. My dad and brother have lost a significant amount of weight since they started back in July. I hope I can too. I'm tired of talking about it and not doing anything.

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