
Sunday, April 8, 2012

What Should We Call the "Easter" Holiday?

Today is Easter. A lot of people have a problem with calling it Easter. I don't. Sure, it did originate from a pagan holiday worshiping a goddess of spring, according to my favorite website Online Etymology Dictionary. Here's what the entry for Easter said:

Easter Look up Easter at
O.E. Easterdæg, from Eastre (Northumbrian Eostre), from P.Gmc. *Austron, a goddess of fertility and spring, probably originally of sunrise whose feast was celebrated at the spring equinox, from *austra-, from PIE *aus- "to shine" (especially of the dawn). Bede says Anglo-Saxon Christians adopted her name and many of the celebratory practices for their Mass of Christ's resurrection. Ultimately related to east. Almost all neighboring languages use a variant of Latin Pasche to name this holiday. Easter egg attested by 1825, earlier pace egg (1610s). Easter bunny attested by 1909.
 But, I firmly believe the meaning of the word "Easter" has come to be synonymous with "Resurrection Day." Now I could be wrong, but I think one of the reasons the early Christians kept the name "Easter" was they wanted to create an alternative holiday for the pagans who were converting to Christianity. Keeping the name "Easter" maybe made the transition a little smoother. I dunno.

What I do know is correcting every individual who say's "Happy Easter" is awkward and makes you look like a bit of a weirdo. Non-Christians often think Christians are weirdos already. Why give them one more reason to think that? The Bible does say we are to be a peculiar people, but it also says that we shouldn't spend a great deal of time squabbling over meaningless jargon.

So instead of correcting those who greet you with "Happy Easter," smile and say "Happy Easter" right back. Focus on fostering healthy relationships, not on creating enemies over an innocent phrase. As always, keep the spread of the Gospel your main focus.

Happy Easter, everyone! He is risen!

**If you have no idea what I'm talking about, check out this link to find out more. If you are still confused, please send me an e-mail at melissajrhine(at)gmail(dot)com.

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