
Monday, March 26, 2012

Bound and Determined to Write

So, on my chore chart I have a little row for writing. So far I haven't missed a day. I have a recipe post ready to go, but I had a rough day and don't have the brain power to craft a recipe that is lodged away in my brain. So, this is a post about how I'm trying to write about not feeling like writing.

I had a good day...once I got off work. Everything went wrong today. I was late on all my deadlines, which doesn't usually happen. Grrr...I don't want to talk about that.

When I got home, I convinced my husband to take me to a redneck (at least as redneck as it gets in PA) town for supper. We had Sonic, and our battery died because we left the accessory power on too long. Oops. Then we went to Sears and bought Ben some wrenches and a toolbox so he stops throwing his tools in the trunk of his car willy-nilly. Did you know that willy-nilly comes up as spelled wrong but it suggests willy-dilly and willy-filly? Who on earth says willy-dilly?

Then we returned my 16-days-overdue library books. I have a serious problem getting my library books back on time. I blame the newfangled receipts that replaced the unloseable stamps.

Then I washed dishes. Then I folded clothes. Then I tracked my WW points. Did you know Sonic tots are only three points? That has to be wrong. But I will not be researching it any further and will live in blissful oblivion.

Now I'm writing about my boring day so I can put a glittery sticker on my childish chore chart so I can get a writing magazine subscription so I can be inspired to write worthwhile posts instead of drivel. Well, hope you weren't bored to tears by this awful post. Although, sometimes crying is very cathartic and is even better when you aren't really sad about anything. So maybe I helped you out. See, this is a worthwhile post after all. I better stop before I start sounding like my 6th graders.

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