
Sunday, March 25, 2012

Week 1 Weight Watcher's Progress

Well, this morning was my weigh-in morning. I officially lost 1.6 pounds this week. I know that number would make someone on the Biggest Loser burst into tears or even get booted off because it is so small. But, the healthiest way to lose weight is a little at a time. So I'm pretty happy with it. I have gained weight the first week in the past, so I'll take this number. I did really well. I need to cut back on my breakfast, and some of my snacks need to be lower point snacks. Yesterday I had 58 points saved up for a party. I definitely didn't use all of them. It was nice not having to worry about it though (especially since one of my friends brought some amazing choco chip cookie dough cupcakes).

This morning I checked back to the last time I weighed myself for Weight Watchers. I have gained 25.8 pounds since then. How on earth did I let myself do that? It totally puts in perspective how far I let myself go. It blows my mind how neglecting your eating habits and weight causes you to spiral out of control.

One big area I really need to work on is how I view food. Right now I'm using my stubbornness to ignore my obsession with food in order to lose weight. In the past, I would get content with my weight loss and then tell myself that I DESERVED to eat whatever I wanted because I had worked so hard for so long.

I need to re-train my brain to understand that I can never stop thinking about it. I have to work at it all the time. I don't need to obsess over my weight because we all know where that leads. I do, however, need to be careful not to avoid thinking about my weight. Some people don't have to think about their weight, and they stay skinny. Not me. If I don't think about it, I balloon out of control. I have several months, maybe even a whole year to still lose weight. I need to be changing my mindset in that time.

So here's my game-plan for the duration of my weight-loss program:
          1. Track EVERY SINGLE DAY.
          2. Weigh in weekly.
          3. Exercise for at least 30 minutes a day, 5 days a week (I have to be realistic).
          4. Blog weekly about my journey.
          5. Read (and later subscribe to) Weight-Watcher's magazine.
          6. Watch weight-loss shows on TV for inspiration and motivation.
          7. Work on attitude towards food.
          8. Reward my progress with new clothes, not fattening food!

If you're reading along, please send encouraging comments my way! I love encouraging comments. Or, share your weight-loss story with me as well. Maybe we could even work in a guest post.

Real quick before I go, here's a shot of my progress in my chore chart. I'm so proud of myself. ; )

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